David Lloyd was once again present and he had a good location in the hall. A respected comic creator and the artist for the famous V mask---now known worldwide. He also mentioned his appreciation of Mr. Robot.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
was a hit at SDCC and he has a new comic book, Mycroft Holmes. Kareem is very intelligent and he has a degree in English. The questions from the audience were great.
The Conan tv show gave away special figure with Conan as Superman, Star Wars character, and so forth.
The great Sergio Aragones was present, as well as Mark Evanier. Sergio also won the and coveted Icon award---yea.
Stan Sakai had his artist edition book-- a nice oversized book of his Yojimbo book.
Geof Darrow has a new sketchbook, and same for Art Adams.
Gal Godot was present as Wonder Woman---looks to be good.
The Touch marker folks were also present--Soltero used the pens for his presentation
Sanrio, Hello Kitty, Marvel, The Walking Dead (Kirkman), and many others were also present, including Mignola of Hellboy fame.
Entertainment hosted Con X, with Krispy Creme, Jim Lee, Paul Dini, T shirts, and food trucks.