Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Frank Frazetta has died May 10, 2010

Frank Frazetta has passed, suffering the death of his wife last year and ensuing fighting between his children. Rest in Peace.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Figure Drawing at the Haggin Musuem has begun

The first session of the figure drawing workshop was successful despite heavy rain. Dr. Soltero will continue to facilitate and teach basic and advanced concepts. This class is geared for the professional and beginner, working with a live model.

Every third Thursday at the Haggin Museum, 6-8pm, in Stockton, California. You will need your own materials. Enjoy the beautiful studio setting surrounding by great works, eg the works of the great French artist, Vibert.

The last few copies of Draw the Line are available on Amazon, and the John Buscema book (filled with figure sketches, Is available at numerous locations, including Al's Comic Shop, located on the Miracle mile.