Tuesday, July 14, 2015

SDCC events & related 2015

* Outlander cast was present, with an author signing, and a cast one.

*An exclusive Groo/Conan HC bk premiered at the show

* Kevin Nowlan attended the figure drawing panel, with Soltero, and he received the coveted and well deserved Inkpot award. It has been deserved for a long time now. Kevin went over some value and inking concepts and demonstrated by drawing, during the Friday night event at Comic Con International, aka SDCC. IMPORTANT--if anyone took photos of the presentation please send a copy.

* The Star Wars panel was a highlight with new and original (including Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher) cast present along with director J.J. Abrams. I hope they include Lando (Billy Dee Williams) in this upcoming movie or the one after.