Sunday, November 25, 2012

Soltero at Crocker for Figure Drawing 2013

Emilio Soltero  will conduct Sunday figure drawing labs, from a live model, at the Crocker Museum, Sacramento, Ca, starting in February.


Contact Emma Moore for more info:

Drawing Lab    First Sundays, February – May   NOON – 3 PM  

Emma Moore   
Manager of Experiential Learning
Crocker Art Museum
216 O Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
direct 916.808.1961
cell 916.549.6932
fax 916.808.7372 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Rudy Nebres wins an Inkpot at SD, 2012

"I was fortunate to have Rudy along for my drawing panel, and I, along with Rudy, was surprised as someone came in to award him the Inkpot for his work. Rudy was speechless. He truly deserves it."


Monday, August 13, 2012

Joe Kubert, a true legend, teacher, & friend...

"Joe Kubert died yesterday but he lives on with his family, students, work, and the wonderful life and energy he shared with all those he came in contact. I read his stories when I was very young and my dad worked at a barbershop. I read the Tarzan and war stories. Later, I saw the ads for his school. I lived in the west coast and could not attend.

I always admired his work, his movement to write stories that were meaningful to all of us. I was very fortunate to meet him circa 2010, and to count him as a dear friend. I have respect for him.

Do yourself a favor and read some of his personal works. If you never met him in person you will meet him in his work."


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Stockton Con, ONE DAY ONLY, Sunday, Aug. 5th, 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012 on the University of Pacific campus in Stockton. The goal of Stockton-Con as a non-profit organization is to bring recognition to outstanding artists in the San Joaquin Valley area – and to give attendees the chance to experience Popular Culture (Comics, Card Games, Video Games, Cards, Anime, Manga, Science Fiction, Toys, Television and Movies). 

It is also Stockton-Con’s intention to raise awareness and funds in conjunction with the United Way and St. Mary's Dining Room. St. Mary's helps provides food, along with dental and medical services to people in our area that are homeless and working poor and need that little extra help. 

If in town, buy your tickets at Al's comic shop in Stockton. 

BTW, the UOP campus is beautiful.

Emilio Soltero drawing demo Stockton Con, Aug 5th, 2012, at UOP

Emilio Soltero will present another drawing demo, like the one in SD this year. There will be an opportunity to draw along with a model--bring your art supplies .

Soltero will have some give-aways for attendees. The Stockton Con is giving proceeds to local charities---

The drawing class starts at noon (double check at the con). Buy your tickets in Stockton at Al's comic shop.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Many artists have moved on this year.

This year has seen the passing of Jean Giraud (aka Moebius), Tony DeZuniga, Ernie Chan, and a few others.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Soltero & Nebres at SD Comic Con International

 Get ready for Comic Con International.

Thursday, 7/12/12, 5:00p.m. - 6:00p.m.,
Figure Drawing for Popular Media,  Emilio Soltero, PhD (Draw the line; Figure It Out; John Buscema: A Life in Sketches) and Rudy Nebres (Conan, Dr. Strange, John Carter [Marvel] ) present a primer on drawing the figure for popular media, including drawing for comics and character design. The focus will be on anatomy and figure drawing. Emilio and Rudy will lecture and demonstrate on figure drawing. There will be time to draw as well. Join Emilio and Rudy for this active presentation. Come ready to take notes and to draw.
Room: 11AB

Monday, March 12, 2012

Moebius Jean Gir Giruaud has Passed, March, 2012

"Moebius (Jean Giraud) was a great artist. One of those rare artists who could draw on a whim, extremely fast, accurate, and with style.

I met him as a young man in San Diego and I was impressed with his flowing pen. I met him again half a dozen times throughout the years, including a rare appearance at an exhibit at the University of the Pacific (UOP) where I was able to speak with him for some time.

He contributed the art to the inside back cover of an educational comic, and his art also appeared on the cover of the first issue of Chilam Balam."

When I first met him he was interested in my Mexica (Azteca) background. He had traveled to Mexico as a young man.

Soltero, Emilio